16 April 2014 Apache Lounge Distribution mod_security-2.8.0 build with libxml2-2.9.1 lua-5.1.5 pcre-8.34 yajl-2.1.0 for Apache 2.4.x Win32 VC11 # Original source by: Ivan Ristic # Original Home: http://www.modsecurity.org/ # Win32 VC11 binary by: Steffen # Mail: info@apachelounge.com # Home: http://www.apachelounge.com/ # Notes: - PCRE and libxml2 are since 2.4 included in the Apache build (bin) - Lua is build inline. # Install: - Copy mod_security2.so to your apache modules folder - Copy yajl.dll to your apache bin folder # Add to your httpd.conf: - LoadModule security2_module modules/mod_security2.so - Enable the module unique_id by uncommenting: LoadModule unique_id_module modules/mod_unique_id.so # Configuration: see the included documentation # Rules at: http://www.modsecurity.org/ # A very quick start: SecRuleEngine On SecDefaultAction "deny,phase:2,status:403" ## -- rule -- SecRule ARGS "\.\./" "t:normalizePathWin,id:50904,severity:4,t:none,t:urlDecodeUni,t:htmlEntityDecode,t:lowercase,msg:'Drive Access'" Call your site with: http://www.xxxx.com/?abc=../../ You should get a access denied and is logged in the Apache error.log, it is triggered by the above rule Enjoy, Steffen